Sunday, April 19, 2020
Reflections of the past and hopes for the future Essay Example
Reflections of the past and hopes for the future Paper Reflections of the past and hopes for the future BY Shattuck Reflections of the Past and Hopes for the Future- 2013 Reflecting back on my year, I have had many ups and downs. We should accept the fact that life doesnt always go on the way we plan. Life can surprise you. It can make you cry. And eventually it will put a smile on your face after all the stormy moments. My reflections of myself were not really what I had hoped they would be. I really had to tell myself to stop looking at the things I do so negatively , and turn my thoughts into positive ones. Here are some of my negative thoughts. I feel that I could have worked harder and achieved my academic targets. However, I am not as motivated towards studying as I wish to be. Its a weak link that I cannot stay focused on one thing for too long. So, my to do list is always a never ending to do list. I feel that I have so many aspirations for myself. However, I dont know how and where to start. I still cant figure out what I want to do with my life, what kind off person I want to be as I grow up. At least, Im trying to get my life more organized, one small step at a time. I have started to realize my duty towards my family and my Job. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflections of the past and hopes for the future specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reflections of the past and hopes for the future specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reflections of the past and hopes for the future specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I have got over my childish acts. Its time that I grew up. Talking about my Job, I have become more aware of my responsibilities. Last year has been a pretty good year for me academically although I havent achieved all of my goals. I have attempted to get a good result In Eleven and I have been selected among the National Top Ten achievers. Moreover, I had traveled to Add and Male. I love traveling, so, It was both a very exciting experience for me. Now that 2013 Is upon us, I have more goals to meet. First of all, I want my course to be a success. I hope that It can help me In building up my career. I want to intention my Job as I dont want to depend on anyone. I want to stand up on my own feet and become a successful person. I want to be able to fulfill all my responsibilities more than I do now. Moreover, I want to Improve my leadership skills as I dont want anyone to point at me saying, even though I am well educated, I am still weak In that department. I also need to Improve my self-confidence and change the way how I see myself. Instead of saying no to things, I want to be able to stand up to the challenges of life and face them courageously. Regardless of what Is happening, the ups and downs of life will continue to reveal. Next time I hit a down time, I am going to focus on what can be learned, and trust myself that It Is the best thing that could happen to me right now, and know with certainty that the up time Is Just around the corner. Start. I still cant figure out what I want to do with my life, what kind off person I want havent achieved all of my goals. I have attempted to get good result in Eleven and I to Add and Male. I love traveling, so, it was both a very exciting experience for me. Now that 2013 is upon us, I have more goals to meet. First of all, I want my course to be a success. I hope that It can help me in building up my career. I want to feet and become a successful person. I want to be able to fulfill all my responsibilities more than I do now. Moreover, I want to improve my leadership skills as I dont want anyone to point at me saying, even though I am well educated, I am still weak in that department. I also need to improve my self-confidence and change the way how I see Regardless of what is happening, the ups and downs of life will continue to trust myself that it is the best thing that could happen to me right now, and know with certainty that the up time is Just around the corner.
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